The Civilian Debut of Maglev Technology in...

The Civilian Debut of Maglev Technology in...

In 1993, Mr. Li, the founder of Maglev products, collaborated with a professor from the National Defense University to pioneer the development of a Maglev Buddha statue. This marked the inaugural application of Maglev train engineering technology in civilian domains. The breakthrough continued in 1999 with the introduction of the Maglev Globe, the first commercially…

Foundation Ceremony of the Factory in 2006

Foundation Ceremony of the Factory in 2006

In the year 2006, Goodwell Electronic marked a significant milestone with the foundation ceremony of its own factory premises. Situated on expansive land covering 40 acres, the factory boasts a substantial area of 27,000 square meters. This strategic move solidified our commitment to growth and innovation, providing a dedicated space to pioneer advancements in electromagnetic…